Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Alright, so we are in the home stretch of the school year-- so that means (for me), marking tons of projects, exams and report cards.

Well this year, I decided to do myself a favour, and plan a bus trip-SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL OF IT!

Why, you say? Well first, it has made me get organized and down to work. Second, I can spend the weekend being stress-free and relaxing before the last week of school.


And MOST IMPORTANTLY, I get to spend the weekend with my BFF and her dh!

Graduating from high school!


We chose this date months and months ago, and I have been looking forward to it ever since! I am so glad the time has finally come.


More recent photo!

My bff and I don't get to spend as much time together as we would like. With busy careers, kids, homes--- but we do appreciate that time we get to spend together.


So, we are going to the 1000 Islands. We went last year with Toad, and I saw nothing. BFF and dh have never been to Boldt Castle so we will be doing that too.


Most of all we will be chatting, relaxing and drinking wine!

The 1000 islands are beautiful. We will be staying at the KOA there, because it has all the amenities that I would like/need-- pool, hot tub, awesome bathroom with showers. It is close to the town of Ganonque too (maybe some shopping!)


Our itinerary is pretty flexible (hello-- no kids!!!!) , but we do know that we will spend Saturday taking the cruise through the Islands and visiting Boldt Castle. If you have never been there, I highly suggest it! In fact, after going here, I was very disappointed at Casa Loma.



Boldt Castle has a very romantic story-- the island is the shape of a heart, and there are many different nods towards loves and hearts. In fact, there is a hart (an animal like a deer) in many places on the island. Mr. Boldt built the castle for his wife. When she suddenly passed away in the 1920s, all construction stopped, and he never went back.



Of course I will have a full trip report with photos when we return. 

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